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- Civil War Veteran Celebrates Ninety-First Birthday
Heidelberg, March 16th
Asberry ESTES, better known as "Uncle Add", celebrated his 91st birthday at his home here yesterday. He is one of the two Civil War pensioners left in Lee county.
Mr. ESTES had one of his old comrades among the 28 guests at the dinner in his honor, Robert D. HOUP, of Jessamine county. Mr. ESTES' oldest living child, 65, was present for the dinner. The youngest member of the family present was a great-grandchild two months old. Mr. ESTES' family consists of three children, 33 grandchildren, 101 great-grandchildren, and nine great great grandchildren.
Mr. ESTES was born in what is now Estill county, on the waters of Buck Creek, a son of Charles and Martha ESTES and a grandson of Brazil ESTES who was a soldier in the Revolutionary War. His mother was a daughter of John HATTON who lived years ago at the mouth of the hollow which bears his name down which the State highway runs. His mother was born near Beaver Pond, Clark county. His parents were buried in the old Brandenburg graveyard near the Baptist Church in Heidelberg.
He had a brother, Hiram, who was buried on his 97th birthday, February 28, 1933. Uncle Add was a member of the 8th Kentucky Regiment in the Civil War and despite his age his steps are firm and his memory excellent.
Never at any time, Mr. ESTES said, had he lived more than 15 miles from the place of his birth, and never during his 91 years has he been a party in a law suit or had a writ served on him. His wife, who was a sister of Godfrey and John NEWTON, died several years ago. More than four score and ten years of peaceful life without serious quarrel with friend or neighbor leaves Mr. ESTES with host of friends who wish for him "Many more happy returns of the day."
Owsley County Courier, Friday, 13 April 1934